Friday, July 15, 2011

It Pretty Much Sucks

The elephant sucks, yes.  I mean, why would you make your logo an elephant?  Something more badass like a tiger would probably be better.

I’m not answering this one.  I couldn’t possibly answer something I couldn’t support.

If we are talking about the Harry Potter fifth movie I would have to say I’m on the sucking side.  After Chris Columbus was no longer the director, the movies became horrible.  However, I think the story of Harry Potter is one of the best – it’s not that often you hear of a fictional story so many people really want to get into.

I’m going to say Apple sucks.  Despite the fact that I use a Mac and an iPod, Apple sucks because they literally suck.  They suck you dry of your money.  You want to hook your computer up to your tv? Okay, just buy this fifty dollar mini-port adapter.  Oh, now you need another type of connection? Buy this other one, too.  Also they limit their products capabilities at each launch, so should they run out of new things, they can easily upgrade what they have.

Star Wars is awesome.  George Lucas wrote Star Wars based on classic, loved mythology and tales, so for anyone to say they don’t like Star Wars they have either not seen them, or are lying.

Facebook sucks.  I constantly want to know what is going on, so I check facebook way too much.  It has literally replaced human interaction.  And I need to stop.

McDonald’s doesn’t suck.  I, personally, am not the biggest fast food eater, but the idea of McDonald’s is phenomenal.  Obviously – look at how many customers they serve.

Clemson doesn’t suck.

Lady Gaga sucks.  She’s really talented, but her music sucks.  Plus she kind of detracts from it with her showmanship.  She should put more time into her music.

Justin Bieber sucks.  Nobody actually likes him.  Do they?

Sudoku doesn’t suck; I suck at it.  But it is a good time killer.

Avatar sucks.  It’s absolutely horrible.  The acting sucks, the story, while also a classic like Star Wars, was horrible and not well executed.  Everyone says how awesome it looks.  It’s fake.  Hawai’i looks awesome, go there.

XBOX sucks.  I literally spent my entire day playing NCAA 12 yesterday and not only do I have nothing in the real world to show for it, but I’m still just as bad as when I started.

American Idol didn’t suck…but now it does.  It is an awesome idea and there were some talented singers on it.  Adam Lambert is filthy.  But now, I mean Steven Tyler is a horrible judge.  They should have stopped while they were ahead.

Glee doesn’t suck.  It’s a unique idea, which I like.  It’s surprising that it took off, but it’s really talented people who actually go out and put on shows when the TV show isn’t on.  That’s pretty cool.

Cigarettes suck.  People took a natural herb, I guess it’s an herb, and put it in a package that kills people.  You can’t really say that doesn’t suck.

Guns don’t suck.  I’d rather be in a war zone with people shooting at me than trying to hack away with swords.  In a civilian setting they suck though.  People use guns for the wrong reason.

I’m pro choice.  Pick whatever you want, and leave me out of it.  I’m just going to try really hard to not get anybody pregnant.

Not sure what this one is, but I’d say it sucks.  Why would you dress your dog like that?

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