Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Process

I’ve never really looked at writing as my “thing.”  I also wouldn’t say what I do is really a process.  I start by doing a lot of other things, very far separated from the writing I have to do.  Then I look at a clock and realize I should probably start soon.  Then, when I finally get to my computer, I will realize I am famished, so leave to get some nourishment.  But once I actually start to write, I don’t really stop.  I just write whatever crap I can think of, and then I’ll worry about how it sounds after.  Because I think a million times faster than I can write, a common occurrence is me forgetting what it was I wanted to write and getting pissed of.  That is why I have to write down everything, grammatically correct or not, so I can get everything out of my head.  I think really the best thing for me is getting it all done immediately though.  Once I start going it becomes significantly easier, but if I take a break it all starts over.  As far as location is concerned, it doesn’t really matter, but I’m definitely a desk person.  I try to do a lot of work sitting upright at a desk, but otherwise I’ll just do it in my bed.

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