"Daughters" by John Mayer
6/8 meter
A-A-B-A-B-C-A-B Song
Intro Instrumental - 8 bars (Exposition)
Verse - (A) - 8 bars
Verse - (A) - 8 bars
Chorus - (B) - 8 bars
Verse - (A) - 8 bars
Chorus - (B) - 8 bars
Bridge - (C) - 8 bars with tagged ending (Climax)
Instrumental interlude - 8 bars
Verse - (A) - 8 bars
Chorus - (B) - 8 bars
Tagged Ending (Resolution)
- The third and fourth verses (A) are modified by variations in the melody.
- Instrumental breaks between the chorus (B) and the second cycle of verse (A) help the listener know that John is starting a new cycle in the pattern.
- Interesting that no instrumental break is given between the chorus (B) and bridge (C). This makes the bridge more exciting and even stronger.
- Tagged ending helps to resolve the song.
This is pretty ordinary compositional organization. John Mayer's composing and performing are pretty extraordinary!
Huh. I wouldn't have thought of this, Ryan. Very clever.