Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Free Write

The entertainment industry.  So much to talk about.  So many visuals that come to my mind.  So many issues.  Are they overpaid, are they not?  What about relative to the average worker -- teacher or policemen or small business owner or professional athlete.  (Then again, these are celebrities.)   So I need to think about what I mean by the entertainment industry.  Thinking about musicians, specifically, there are a lot of issues with good versus poor musicians and which are recognized and how they make their money.  The images presented on their cd covers is pretty interesting, as well.  There is always the conversation about how "sex sells" and this could be studied with these images.   What about the confidence relative to the skill/ability.  But isn't that just interpretation by the listener/viewer?  I think of somebody like Lady Gaga who is an excellent musician, but presents herself to sell herself and market herself.  In a different time, would she have a more traditional look?  Time's up.

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